The features that DataTables provides can be greatly enhanced by the use of the plug-ins available on this page, which give many new user interaction and configuration options.

Basic Table Scroll
This example shows how Scroller for DataTables can be initialised, when the Scroller Javascript file is included, by simply setting the scroller option to true.
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State Saving
Scroller will automatically integrate with DataTables in order to save the scrolling position of the table, if state saving is enabled in the DataTable
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This example shows a trivial use of the API methods that Scroller adds to the DataTables API to scroll to a row once the table's data has been loaded.
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Theme Mode

Light / Dark / System

  • Sidebar Caption

    Show / Hide

  • Theme Layout


  • Layout Width

    Full / Fixed

  • Custom Theme

    Choose your primary theme color

  • Header Theme

    Choose your Header theme color

  • Navbar Theme

    Choose your Navbar theme color

  • Logo Theme

    Choose your Logo theme color

  • Navbar Caption Color

    Choose your Navbar Caption Color

  • Navbar Image

    Choose your Navbar Background Image

  • Dropdown Menu Icon

    Choose your Dropdown Menu Icon

  • Dropdown Menu Link Icon

    Choose your Dropdown Menu Link Icon