Logo & Branding

Incorporate a custom logo and favicon, and fine-tune your school thumbnail to enhance its appearance and branding

Logo & Branding



Able pro Branding

Personalize your school and eliminate Able Pro branding from your school website, emails, and products. To access this feature, upgrade to the Professional plan.

Font Family

Change the font used across your school.

Make your school your own and remove Teachable branding from your school website, emails, and all products. Upgrade to the Professional plan to use this feature.

Color Palette

Select a predefined color scheme to establish consistency across your site and products. Alternatively, customize your own color palette to reflect your unique branding and preferences.

Preset 1

Theme Color

Preset 2

Theme Color

Preset 3

Theme Color

Preset 4

Theme Color

Nav Bar & Footer Background

Fixed, scrolling & email


Navigation Bar Link

Links when nav bar is fixed


Navigation Bar

Links when nav bar is scrolling


Homepage Headings & Subtitle

When a background is set


Course Page Heading & Subtitle

When a Background is set



<h2> to <h5>


Body text

<body> , <p>


Buttons & Links

<a> , <button>


Confirm your domain

If you edit this domain, your school URL will update the next time you log out.

user image
Airi Satou
2023/09/12 09:05 PM
user image
Ashton Cox
2023/12/24 09:05 PM
user image
Bradley Greer
2022/09/19 09:05 PM
user image
Brielle Williamson
2022/08/22 09:05 PM
user image
Airi Satou
2023/09/12 09:05 PM
user image
Ashton Cox
2023/12/24 09:05 PM
user image
Bradley Greer
2022/09/19 09:05 PM
Page TitleURLStateAction
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Login Page/login-page.designPublished
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Main Page/main.pagePublished
Privacy Policy/privacy-policyUnpublished
Login Page/login-page.designPublished
  • Theme Mode

    Choose light or dark mode or Auto

  • Sidebar Theme

    Choose Sidebar Theme

  • Header color

    Choose your Header theme color

  • Accent color

    Choose your primary theme color

  • Sidebar Caption

    Sidebar Caption Hide/Show

  • Theme Layout


  • Layout Width

    Choose Full or Container Layout