Datta Able v1.0 Documentation
Datta Able admin template is react + redux admin template
based on create react app
, redux
, BS4
with variety feature. Datta Able is not an ordinary admin panel template - It has lots of pre-define functionality which completely ready for any complex projects!!
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Datta Able v1.0 Installation
Quick Install -
- First of all it's required to install latest Node and npm - nodejs
- Unzip datta-able-react.zip
file, Inside that directory you will find the datta-able-react/
- Open your terminal/cmd then navigate to project directory datta-able-react/
- Install npm packages using command 'npm install'
, this will install required node.js third-party plugins into the node_modules/
- Compile/Run project using command 'npm start'
, this will compile app in development mode.
- Open http://localhost:3000 to view it on browser.
- Now, You can use Datta Able React Admin Template for your application development.
- Build project using command 'npm run build'
, It will create build/
folder inside datta-able-react/ folder.
- Your app is ready to be deployed.
File Structure
Routing & Code Splitting
Datta Able React routing system based on react-router It's also use code splitting for better performance.
Configure Route
IF you want to add Test Component and set it into menu-item follow below steps.
Step 1: Create Test.js
file at directory ../src/Demo/
and add below code.
Step 2: Open file ../src/route.js
(for basic admin layout, nav, side-bar, etc.) OR ../src/routes.js
(for blank page like, login, error, etc)
Step 3: Open file ../src/menu-items.js
and add below code in opened file.
Step 4: Add below code like code splitting in opened file route.js
or routes.js
Step 5: Now Test page is ready to use, open url like, http://localhost:3000/test
Theme Layouts
Open config.ts
file from directory [ ../src/config.ts ] and change options in this file.
Layout | Description |
Vertical |
Horizontal |
Pre Build Layout 2 |
Pre Build Layout 2-2 |
Pre Build Layout 3 |
Pre Build Layout 4 |
Pre Build Layout 4-2 |
Pre Build Layout 5h |
Pre Build Layout 6 |
Pre Build Layout 8 |
Static Layout |
Fixed Layout |
Navbar Fixed Layout |
Collapse Menu Layout |
Box Layout |
RTL Layout |
Light Layout |
Dark Layout |
Color Icon |
Configuration Options
Option | Default | Type | Description |
layout | vertical | string | vertical , horizontal |
preLayout | null | string | layout-2 , layout-2-2 , layout-3 , layout-4 , layout-4-2 , layout-6 , layout-8 |
collapseMenu | false | boolean | false , true |
layoutType | menu-dark | string | menu-dark , menu-light , dark |
navIconColor | false | boolean | true , false |
headerBackColor | header-default | string | header-default , header-blue , header-red , header-purple , header-lightblue , header-dark |
navBackColor | navbar-default | string | navbar-default , navbar-blue , navbar-red , navbar-purple , navbar-lightblue , navbar-dark |
navBrandColor | brand-default | string | brand-default , brand-blue , brand-red , brand-purple , brand-lightblue , brand-dark |
navBackImage | null | string | navbar-image-1 , navbar-image-2 , navbar-image-3 , navbar-image-4 , navbar-image-5 |
rtlLayout | false | boolean | false , true |
navFixedLayout | true | boolean | false , true |
headerFixedLayout | false | boolean | false , true |
boxLayout | false | boolean | false , true |
navDropdownIcon | style1 | string | style1 , style2 , style3 |
navListIcon | style1 | string | style1 , style2 , style3 , style4 , style5 , style6 |
navActiveListColor | active-default | string | active-default , active-blue , active-red , active-purple , active-lightblue , active-dark |
navListTitleColor | title-default | string | title-default , title-blue , title-red , title-purple , title-lightblue , title-dark |
navListTitleHide | false | boolean | false , true |
configBlock | false | boolean | false , true (used for only preLayout) |
layout6Background | #23b7e5 | string |
Note: used only for preLayout: layout-6
Background Color
Background Image
Background Pattern
layout6BackSize | '' | string | auto , cover |
Menu background
Menu background image
Menu Active item background
Menu caption ( title ) color
Menu List Icon
Menu dropdown icon
RTL Layouts
Dark Layouts
How to Compile SCSS?
You need to complile scss when you change scss using koala scss Compiler
List of variables for Datta able design
You can change this _variables.scss
at directory [ ../src/assets/scss/partials/_variables.scss ]
What is Datta Able?
Datta Able is responsive admin template/Dattaboard which useful for your complete entire projects like CRM system - Task System - User Management System - Social Dattaboard etc. Without any trouble Datta Able gives the perfect outcome with tons of ready made plugins which helps you at every step while creating any project.
Why choose Datta Able?
Datta Able built using react with redux and angular 7+ and bootstrap's latest version 4 which have complete compatibility on bootstrap4. It is fully crafted for every one's need and its fullfilled those need too. Tons of Plugins, Forms, Charts, Tables, Custom Pages gives extra smoothness in project.
Licence terms?
Datta Able comes with single license usage and support for every single purchase. If you want to use Datta Able for multiple project you must buy the extra licence for that.
What about Item Support?
We only support those purchaser who purchased Datta Able. 6 months included support comes with every single purchase of Datta Able.
What is Support Turnaround time ?
When you comment or submit the ticket for support. Our team takes it very seriously and respond it within a Half or Full day.
How i rate the Datta Able ?
It just a simple. Go to your account. Then check your download section where you found Datta Able Template. Click on start ratings. Simple !!!