Datta Able Angular- Documentation

Datta Able Angular 7 Documentation for your easy development.

Version :
Last Update :
Author :
Datta Able v1.0 Installation

Quick Install -

- Update latest node - nodejs

- Update latest angular CLI global package to Angular 7+ with cli 7.2.2 - cli

- Copy complete packages to your project directory

- Install npm with command 'npm install'

- Compile project with command 'ng serve -o'

- Enjoy latest angular datta able

- Build project with command 'ng build --prod --aot'

Note: for more update guide go to - https://update.angular.io/

File Structure
                                                    ├── e2e/..
                                                    ├── node_modules/..
                                                    ├── src/
                                                    │   ├── amcharts/..
                                                    │   ├── app/
                                                    │   │   ├── demo/
                                                    │   │   │   ├── app/
                                                    │   │   │   │   ├── gallery/..
                                                    │   │   │   │   ├── inline-chat/..
                                                    │   │   │   │   ├── task/..
                                                    │   │   │   │   ├── todo/..
                                                    │   │   │   ├── dashboard/
                                                    │   │   │   │   ├── dash-analytics/..
                                                    │   │   │   │   ├── dash-crm/..
                                                    │   │   │   │   ├── ...- More
                                                    │   │   │   ├── extension/
                                                    │   │   │   │   ├── editor/..
                                                    │   │   │   │   ├── files-upload/..
                                                    │   │   │   │   ├── full-event-calendar/..
                                                    │   │   │   │   ├── invoice/..
                                                    │   │   │   ├── extra/
                                                    │   │   │   │   ├── simple-page/..
                                                    │   │   │   ├── pages/
                                                    │   │   │   │   ├── authentication/
                                                    │   │   │   │   │   ├── auth-change-password/..
                                                    │   │   │   │   │   ├── auth-map-form/..
                                                    │   │   │   │   │   ├── ...- More
                                                    │   │   │   │   ├── core-chart/
                                                    │   │   │   │   │   ├── crt-amchart/..
                                                    │   │   │   │   │   ├── crt-chart-js/..
                                                    │   │   │   │   │   ├── crt-echart/..
                                                    │   │   │   │   │   ├── ...- More
                                                    │   │   │   │   │   ├── core-chart.module.ts
                                                    │   │   │   │   │   ├── core-chart-routing.module.ts
                                                    │   │   │   │   ├── ...- More
                                                    │   │   │   ├── ui-elements/
                                                    │   │   │   │   ├── ui-adv/
                                                    │   │   │   │   │   ├── adv-alert/..
                                                    │   │   │   │   │   ├── adv-datepicker/..
                                                    │   │   │   │   │   ├── ...- More
                                                    │   │   │   │   ├── ui-basic/
                                                    │   │   │   │   │   ├── basic-alert/..
                                                    │   │   │   │   │   ├── basic-badge/..
                                                    │   │   │   │   │   ├── ...- More
                                                    │   │   │   ├── widget/
                                                    │   │   │   │   ├── wget-charts/
                                                    │   │   │   │   ├── wget-data/
                                                    │   │   │   │   ├── ...- More
                                                    │   │   ├── fack-db/
                                                    │   │   │   ├── friends-list.ts
                                                    │   │   │   ├── user-chat.ts
                                                    │   │   ├── theme/
                                                    │   │   │   ├── layout/
                                                    │   │   │   │   ├── admin/
                                                    │   │   │   │   │   ├── configuration/..
                                                    │   │   │   │   │   ├── nav-bar/
                                                    │   │   │   │   │   │   ├── nav-left/
                                                    │   │   │   │   │   │   │   ├── nav-search/..
                                                    │   │   │   │   │   │   ├── nav-right/
                                                    │   │   │   │   │   │   │   ├── chat-msg/..
                                                    │   │   │   │   │   │   │   ├── chat-user-list/
                                                    │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │   ├── friend/..
                                                    │   │   │   │   │   ├── navigation/
                                                    │   │   │   │   │   │   ├── nav-content/
                                                    │   │   │   │   │   │   │   ├── nav-collapse/..
                                                    │   │   │   │   │   │   │   ├── nav-group/..
                                                    │   │   │   │   │   │   │   ├── nav-item/..
                                                    │   │   │   │   │   │   ├── nav-logo/..
                                                    │   │   │   │   ├── auth/..
                                                    │   │   │   ├── shared/
                                                    │   │   │   │   ├── components/
                                                    │   │   │   │   │   ├── alert/..
                                                    │   │   │   │   │   ├── /..breadcrumb/..
                                                    │   │   │   │   │   ├── ...- More
                                                    │   │   │   │   ├── shared.module.ts
                                                    │   │   ├── app.component.html
                                                    │   │   ├── app.component.scss
                                                    │   │   ├── app.component.ts
                                                    │   │   ├── app.module.ts
                                                    │   │   ├── app.config.ts
                                                    │   │   ├── app-routing.module.ts
                                                    │   ├── assets/..
                                                    │   ├── environments/..
                                                    │   ├── fake-data/..
                                                    │   ├── scss/
                                                    │   │   ├── fonts/..
                                                    │   │   ├── layout/..
                                                    │   │   ├── ...- More
                                                    │   │   ├── _custom.scss
                                                    │   │   ├── _general.scss
                                                    │   │   ├── _generic.scss
                                                    │   │   ├── _variables.scss
                                                    │   ├── _index.html
                                                    │   ├── _main.ts
                                                    │   ├── ...- More
                                                    ├── angular.json
                                                    ├── package.json
                                                    ├── ...- More
Page structure
- src/index.html
                                                <!doctype html>
                                                <html lang="en">
                                                        <title>Datta Able | Welcome To Angular 7+ Bootstrap Design Admin Template </title>
                                                        <!-- HTML5 Shim and Respond.js IE11 support of HTML5 elements and media queries -->
                                                        <!-- WARNING: Respond.js doesn't work if you view the page via file:// -->
                                                        <!--[if lt IE 11]>
                                                        <script src="https://oss.maxcdn.com/libs/html5shiv/3.7.0/html5shiv.js"></script>
                                                        <script src="https://oss.maxcdn.com/libs/respond.js/1.4.2/respond.min.js"></script>

                                                        <base href="/">

                                                        <!-- Meta Content-->

                                                        <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico">

                                                        <!-- font style -->
                                                        <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:300,400,600" rel="stylesheet">
                                                      <app-root></app-root> <!-- app.component.html -->
- src/app/app.component.html
                                                    <!-- loadChildren from app-routing.module.ts with admin.component.html or auth.component.html -->
- src/app/app-routing.module.ts
                                                import { AdminComponent } from './theme/layout/admin/admin.component';
                                                import { AuthComponent } from './theme/layout/auth/auth.component';

                                                const routes: Routes = [
                                                    path: '',
                                                    component: AdminComponent,
                                                    children: [
                                                      // load children modules with lazy load routing for header, side nav common structure, like, dashboard, blank page, widget, etc..
                                                    path: '',
                                                    component: AuthComponent,
                                                    children: [
                                                      // load children modules with lazy load routing for without common structure, like login, signup, reset password, lock screen, etc..
- src/app/theme/layout/admin/admin.component.html
                                                <app-navigation></app-navigation> <!-- for side nav - navigation.component.html -->
                                                <app-nav-bar></app-nav-bar> <!-- for header - nav-bar.component.html -->
                                                <div class="pcoded-main-container">
                                                  <div class="pcoded-wrapper">
                                                    <div class="pcoded-content">
                                                      <div class="pcoded-inner-content">
                                                        <app-breadcrumb></app-breadcrumb> <!-- for common breadcrumb - breadcrumb.component.html -->
                                                        <div class="main-body">
                                                          <div class="page-wrapper">
                                                                <!-- page main body - loadChildren as main page body from src/app/demo/... -->
- src/app/theme/layout/auth/auth.component.html
                                                    <!-- loadChildren component for auth.component at app-routing.module.ts for authentication blank pages without nav, header, etc. -->
Template Layouts
You can edit this file at [ ../src/app/app-config.ts ]
Layout Description
    Default Configuration
  • layout: vertical
  • pre-layout: null
  • collapse-menu: false
  • layout-type: menu-dark
  • nav-icon-color: false
  • header-back-color: header-default
  • nav-back-color: navbar-default
  • nav-brand-color: brand-default
  • nav-back-image: false
  • rtl-layout: false
  • nav-fixed-layout: true
  • header-fixed-layout: false
  • box-layout: false
  • nav-dropdown-icon: string1
  • nav-list-icon: string1
  • nav-active-list-color: sctive-default
  • nav-list-title-color: title-default
  • nav-list-title-hide: false
  • layout: horizontal
Pre Build Layout 2
  • layout: vertical
  • pre-layout: layout-2
Pre Build Layout 2-2
  • layout: vertical
  • pre-layout: layout-2-2
Pre Build Layout 3
  • layout: vertical
  • pre-layout: layout-3
Pre Build Layout 4
  • layout: vertical
  • pre-layout: layout-4
Pre Build Layout 4-2
  • layout: vertical
  • pre-layout: layout-4-2
Pre Build Layout 6
  • layout: vertical
  • pre-layout: layout-6
  • layout-type: menu-light
  • nav-brand-color: brand-lightblue
  • nav-fixed-layout: false
  • header-fixed-layout: false
  • layout-6-background: #23b7e5
Pre Build Layout 8
  • layout: vertical
  • pre-layout: layout-8
  • layout-type: menu-light
  • header-back-color: header-lightblue
  • nav-brand-color: brand-lightblue
  • nav-fixed-layout: true
  • header-fixed-layout: true
  • nav-active-list-color: active-lightblue
Static Layout
  • layout: vertical
  • nav-fixed-layout: false
  • header-fixed-layout: false
Fixed Layout
  • layout: vertical
  • nav-fixed-layout: true
  • header-fixed-layout: true
Navbar Fixed Layout
  • layout: vertical
  • nav-fixed-layout: true
  • header-fixed-layout: false
Collapse Menu Layout
  • layout: vertical
  • collapse-menu: true
Box Layout
  • layout: vertical
  • box-layout: true
RTL Layout
  • layout: vertical
  • rtl-layout: true
Light Layout
  • layout: vertical
  • layout-type: menu-light
Dark Layout
  • layout: vertical
  • layout-type: dark
  • nav-back-color: navbar-dark
  • nav-brand-color: brand-dark
Color Icon
  • layout: vertical
  • nav-list-title-color: true
Configuration Options
Option Default Type Description
layout vertical string vertical, horizontal
pre-layout null string layout-2, layout-2-2, layout-3, layout-4, layout-4-2, layout-6, layout-8
collapse-menu false boolean false, true
layout-type menu-dark string menu-dark, menu-light, dark
nav-icon-color false boolean true, false
header-back-color header-default string header-default, header-blue, header-red, header-purple, header-lightblue, header-dark
nav-back-color navbar-default string navbar-default, navbar-blue, navbar-red, navbar-purple, navbar-lightblue, navbar-dark
nav-brand-color brand-default string brand-default, brand-blue, brand-red, brand-purple, brand-lightblue, brand-dark
nav-back-image null string navbar-image-1, navbar-image-2, navbar-image-3, navbar-image-4, navbar-image-5
rtl-layout false boolean false, true
nav-fixed-layout true boolean false, true
header-fixed-layout false boolean false, true
box-layout false boolean false, true
nav-dropdown-icon style1 string style1, style2, style3
nav-list-icon style1 string style1, style2, style3, style4, style5, style6
nav-active-list-color active-default string active-default, active-blue, active-red, active-purple, active-lightblue, active-dark
nav-list-title-color title-default string title-default, title-blue, title-red, title-purple, title-lightblue, title-dark
nav-list-title-hide false boolean false, true
layout-6-background #23b7e5 string Note: used only for pre-layout: layout-6
Background Color
  • #04a9f5
  • #ff5252
  • #9575CD
  • #23b7e5
  • #424448
  • linear-gradient(to right, #1de9b6 0%, #1dc4e9 100%)
  • linear-gradient(to right, #899FD4 0%, #A389D4 100%)
  • linear-gradient(to right, #4facfe 0%, #00f2fe 100%)
  • linear-gradient(to right, #667eea 0%, #764ba2 100%)
  • linear-gradient(to right, #f77062 0%, #fe5196 100%)
  • linear-gradient(to right, #9be15d 0%, #00e3ae 100%)
  • linear-gradient(to right, #b224ef 0%, #7579ff 100%)
  • linear-gradient(to right, #0acffe 0%, #495aff 100%)
  • linear-gradient(to right, #01a9ac 0%, #01dbdf 100%)
  • linear-gradient(to right, #fe5d70 0%, #fe909d 100%)
  • linear-gradient(to right, #0ac282 0%, #0df3a3 100%)
  • linear-gradient(to right, #fe9365 0%, #feb798 100%)
  • linear-gradient(to right, #A445B2 0%, #D41872 52%, #FF0066 100%)
Background Image
  • url("assets/images/bg-images/bg1.jpg")
  • url("assets/images/bg-images/bg3.jpg")
  • url("assets/images/bg-images/bg4.jpg")
  • url("assets/images/bg-images/bg5.jpg")
Background Pattern
  • url("assets/images/bg-images/1.png")
  • url("assets/images/bg-images/2.png")
  • url("assets/images/bg-images/3.png")
  • url("assets/images/bg-images/4.png")
  • url("assets/images/bg-images/5.png")
  • url("assets/images/bg-images/6.png")
Menu background
                                                                    export class DattaConfig {
                                                                      public static config = {
                                                                        'nav-back-color': 'navbar-default'
                                                                    export class DattaConfig {
                                                                      public static config = {
                                                                        'nav-back-color': 'navbar-blue'
                                                                    export class DattaConfig {
                                                                      public static config = {
                                                                        'nav-back-color': 'navbar-red'
                                                                    export class DattaConfig {
                                                                      public static config = {
                                                                        'nav-back-color': 'navbar-purple'
                                                                    export class DattaConfig {
                                                                      public static config = {
                                                                        'nav-back-color': 'navbar-lightblue'
                                                                    export class DattaConfig {
                                                                      public static config = {
                                                                        'nav-back-color': 'navbar-dark'
Menu background image
                                                                    export class DattaConfig {
                                                                      public static config = {
                                                                        'nav-back-image': 'navbar-image-1'
                                                                    export class DattaConfig {
                                                                      public static config = {
                                                                        'nav-back-image': 'navbar-image-2'
                                                                    export class DattaConfig {
                                                                      public static config = {
                                                                        'nav-back-image': 'navbar-image-3'
                                                                    export class DattaConfig {
                                                                      public static config = {
                                                                        'nav-back-image': 'navbar-image-4'
                                                                    export class DattaConfig {
                                                                      public static config = {
                                                                        'nav-back-image': 'navbar-image-5'
Menu Active item background
                                                        export class DattaConfig {
                                                          public static config = {
                                                            'nav-active-list-color': 'active-default'
                                                        export class DattaConfig {
                                                          public static config = {
                                                            'nav-active-list-color': 'active-blue'
                                                        export class DattaConfig {
                                                          public static config = {
                                                            'nav-active-list-color': 'active-red'
                                                        export class DattaConfig {
                                                          public static config = {
                                                            'nav-active-list-color': 'active-purple'
                                                        export class DattaConfig {
                                                          public static config = {
                                                            'nav-active-list-color': 'active-lightblue'
                                                        export class DattaConfig {
                                                          public static config = {
                                                            'nav-active-list-color': 'active-dark'
Menu caption ( title ) color
                                                        export class DattaConfig {
                                                          public static config = {
                                                            'nav-list-title-color': 'title-default'
                                                            export class DattaConfig {
                                                              public static config = {
                                                                'nav-list-title-color': 'title-blue'
                                                            export class DattaConfig {
                                                              public static config = {
                                                                'nav-list-title-color': 'title-red'
                                                            export class DattaConfig {
                                                              public static config = {
                                                                'nav-list-title-color': 'title-purple'
                                                            export class DattaConfig {
                                                              public static config = {
                                                                'nav-list-title-color': 'title-lightblue'
                                                            export class DattaConfig {
                                                              public static config = {
                                                                'nav-list-title-color': 'title-dark'
Menu List Icon
                                                        export class DattaConfig {
                                                          public static config = {
                                                            'nav-list-icon': 'style1'
                                                        export class DattaConfig {
                                                          public static config = {
                                                            'nav-list-icon': 'style2'
                                                        export class DattaConfig {
                                                          public static config = {
                                                            'nav-list-icon': 'style3'
                                                        export class DattaConfig {
                                                          public static config = {
                                                            'nav-list-icon': 'style4'
                                                        export class DattaConfig {
                                                          public static config = {
                                                            'nav-list-icon': 'style5'
                                                        export class DattaConfig {
                                                          public static config = {
                                                            'nav-list-icon': 'style6'
Menu dropdown icon
                                                        export class DattaConfig {
                                                          public static config = {
                                                            'nav-dropdown-icon': 'style1'
                                                        export class DattaConfig {
                                                          public static config = {
                                                            'nav-dropdown-icon': 'style2'
                                                        export class DattaConfig {
                                                          public static config = {
                                                            'nav-dropdown-icon': 'style3'
                                                export class DattaConfig {
                                                  public static config = {
                                                    'rtl-layout': true
                                                export class DattaConfig {
                                                  public static config = {
                                                    'layout-type': 'dark'

How to Compile SCSS?

You need to complile scss when you change scss using koala scss Compiler

List of variables for Datta able design

You can edit this file at [ ../src/scss/_variables.scss ]

                                                    // Top bar height
                                                    $header-height: 70px;

                                                    // Sidebar menu width
                                                    $Menu-width: 264px;

                                                    // Small menu width
                                                    $Menu-collapsed-width: 80px;

                                                    // Color list for Datta Able Admin Templet
                                                    // theme color variables
                                                    $theme-color: linear-gradient(-135deg, #1de9b6 0%, #1dc4e9 100%);
                                                    $theme-color2: linear-gradient(-135deg, #899FD4 0%, #A389D4 100%);
                                                    $primary-color: #04a9f5;
                                                    $warning-color: #f4c22b;
                                                    $danger-color: #f44236;
                                                    $success-color: #1de9b6;
                                                    $purple-color: #a389d4;
                                                    $info-color: #3ebfea;
                                                    $dark-color: #37474f;
                                                    $theme-border: #eaeaea;

                                                    // header colors
                                                    $brand-background: #3f4d67;
                                                    $header-dark-background: #3f4d67;
                                                    $header-dark-text-color: #fff;
                                                    $header-light-background: #fff;
                                                    $header-light-text-color: #3f4d67;

                                                    // Sidebar colors
                                                    $menu-caption-color: #14171d;
                                                    $menu-dark-background: #3f4d67;
                                                    $menu-dark-text-color: #a9b7d0;
                                                    $menu-light-background: #fff;
                                                    $menu-light-text-color: #3f4d67;
                                                    $menu-active-color: #04a9f5;

                                                    // dark layout colors
                                                    $dark-layout: #212224;
                                                    $dark-layout-font: #adb7be;

                                                    // Menu icon
                                                    $menu-icon-color: $primary-color, #ff5252, #01a9ac ,#9575CD , #23b7e5, $warning-color;

                                                    // Header background
                                                    $color-header-name: blue, red, purple, lightblue, dark;
                                                    $color-header-color: $primary-color, #ff5252, #9575CD ,#23b7e5,lighten($dark-layout,7%);

                                                    // Menu background
                                                    $color-menu-name: blue, red, purple, lightblue, dark;
                                                    $color-menu-color: $primary-color, #ff5252, #9575CD ,#23b7e5,lighten($dark-layout,7%);

                                                    // Active background color
                                                    $color-active-name: blue, red, purple, lightblue, dark;
                                                    $color-active-color: $primary-color, #ff5252, #9575CD ,#23b7e5,lighten($dark-layout,7%);

                                                    // Menu title color
                                                    $color-title-name: blue, red, purple, lightblue, dark;
                                                    $color-title-color: $primary-color, #ff5252, #9575CD ,#23b7e5,lighten($dark-layout,7%);

                                                    // basic variable
                                                    $theme-font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
                                                    $theme-font-size: 14px;
                                                    $theme-background: #f4f7fa;
                                                    $theme-font-color: #888;
                                                    $theme-heading-color: #111;
Plugins Name Third Party Modules Plugins page use Link
Maps @agm/core /maps/google https://angular-maps.com/
File Upload @iplab/ngx-file-upload /file-upload https://pivan.github.io/file-upload/
Gallery @ks89/angular-modal-gallery https://ks89.github.io/angular-modal-gallery-2018-v6.github.io/
Bootstrap 4 @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap https://ng-bootstrap.github.io/
Landing Pages @nicky-lenaers/ngx-scroll-to /landing https://www.npmjs.com/package/@nicky-lenaers/ngx-scroll-to
Material Time Picker amazing-time-picker /forms/picker https://owsolutions.github.io/amazing-time-picker/Examples
Angular Datatable angular-6-datatable /task/list https://www.npmjs.com/package/angular-6-datatable
Jquery Datatable
  • angular-datatables
  • datatables.net
  • datatables.net-buttons
  • datatables.net-buttons-dt
  • datatables.net-colreorder
  • datatables.net-colreorder-dt
  • datatables.net-dt
  • datatables.net-responsive
  • datatables.net-responsive-dt
  • datatables.net-select
  • datatables.net-select-dt
  • jszip
  • mousetrap
/tables/datatable https://l-lin.github.io/angular-datatables/
Form Multi Select angular-dual-listbox /forms/select https://www.npmjs.com/package/ng2-dual-list-box
High Chart angular-highcharts-chart, highcharts /charts/high-chart https://www.npmjs.com/package/angular-highcharts-chart
Morris Chart angular-morris-js, hammerjs, morris.js /charts/morris https://mika-el.github.io/angular-morris-js
WYSIWYG Editor angular-pell /editor/wysiwyg https://jaredreich.com/pell/
Chart - chartjs angular2-chartjs /charts/chart-js https://www.npmjs.com/package/angular2-chartjs
Form Mask angular2-text-mask /forms/masking https://www.npmjs.com/package/angular2-text-mask
Editor Tinymce angular2-tinymce /editor/tinymce https://www.npmjs.com/package/angular2-tinymce
E-Charts ngx-echarts, echarts /charts/e-chart https://xieziyu.github.io/ngx-echarts
Flag Icons - Select with Icon famfamfam-flags /forms/select https://www.npmjs.com/package/famfamfam-flags
Calendar ng-fullcalendar, fullcalendar /full-calendar https://www.npmjs.com/package/ng-fullcalendar
Datepicker ic-datepicker /advance/datepicker https://icklechris.github.io/ic-datepicker/
Menu ng-click-outside https://echeung.me/ng-click-outside/
Form Mask - Number Format ng-number-formatter /forms/masking https://www.npmjs.com/package/ng-number-formatter
Form Select ng-select /forms/select https://basvandenberg.github.io/ng-select
Form Wizard ng2-archwizard /forms/wizard https://www.npmjs.com/package/ng2-archwizard
Form Mask - Currency Mask ng2-currency-mask /forms/masking https://www.npmjs.com/package/ng2-currency-mask
Task Board ng2-dragula /advance/task-board https://valor-software.com/ng2-dragula
Google Chart ng2-google-charts /charts/google https://www.devrandom.it/software/ng2-google-charts/
NVD3 Chart ng2-nvd3, nvd3, d3 /charts/nvd3 https://www.npmjs.com/package/ng2-nvd3
Notification ng2-toasty /advance/notification http://akserg.github.io/ng2-webpack-demo
Form Validation ng2-validation /forms/validation https://www.npmjs.com/package/ng2-validation
Rating ngx-bar-rating /advance/rating https://www.npmjs.com/package/ngx-bar-rating
Form Select, Tag Input ngx-chips https://www.npmjs.com/package/ngx-chips
Color Picker ngx-color-picker /forms/picker https://zefoy.github.io/ngx-color-picker
Scroll js ngx-perfect-scrollbar All Page ( Menu, Frend List, Chat Message, etc.. ) https://www.npmjs.com/package/ngx-perfect-scrollbar
Sweet Alert sweetalert2 /advance/alert https://sweetalert2.github.io/

Datta Able is responsive admin template/Dattaboard which useful for your complete entire projects like CRM system - Task System - User Management System - Social Dattaboard etc. Without any trouble Datta Able gives the perfect outcome with tons of ready made plugins which helps you at every step while creating any project.

Datta Able built using angular 7+ and bootstrap's latest version 4 which have complete compatibility on bootstrap4. It is fully crafted for every one's need and its fullfilled those need too. Tons of Plugins, Forms, Charts, Tables, Custom Pages gives extra smoothness in project.

Datta Able comes with single license usage and support for every single purchase. If you want to use Datta Able for multiple project you must buy the extra licence for that.

We only support those purchaser who purchased Datta Able. 6 months included support comes with every single purchase of Datta Able.

When you comment or submit the ticket for support. Our team takes it very seriously and respond it within a Half or Full day.

It just a simple. Go to your account. Then check your download section where you found Datta Able Template. Click on start ratings. Simple !!!

Version Change Log

                                                    13-03-2019 - v1.0 Release